dilluns, 28 de març del 2016

Browser elements diagram task

Browser elements diagram task

Define browserCreate a picture where the main browser elements are labeled.
Publish it in your blog and type here your new post address.
You can use the internet and the document above to do it.
List of elements: Back button, Forward button, Refresh button, tab, title bar, address bar, minimize/ maximize/ close button, customize button, search box, homepage button, bookmark bar, status bar, toolbar, display window, scroll bar.


Know what operating system this is so easy that you just have to do right ICCL team giving properties and esea page where you will send you what operating system these
1.4 Installation Precautions
Before you install any system component, we recommend that you read the following sections. These sections contain important ESD precautions, pre- and post-installation instructions.
1.4.1 ESD Precautions
 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage your processor, disk drives, expansion boards, and other components. Always observe the following precautions before you install a system component.
1. Do not remove a component from its protective packaging until you are ready to install it.
2. Wear a wrist grounding strap and attach it to a metal part of the system unit before handling components. If a wrist strap is not available, maintain contact with the system unit throughout any procedure requiring ESD protection.
1.4.2 Preinstallation Instructions
Always observe the following before you install a system component:
1. Turn off the system power and all the peripherals connected to the unit before opening it.
2. Open the system according to the instructions in the housing installation manual.
3. Follow the ESD precautions in section 1.4.1 before handling a system component.
4. Remove any expansion boards or peripherals that block access to the DIMM sockets or CPU connector.
5. See the following sections for specific instructions on the component you wish to install.

1.4 Precauciones a la hora de la instalación
Antes de instalar cualquier componente del sistema, se recomienda que se lea las siguientes secciones. Estas secciones contienen importantes medidas de protección ESD, instrucciones previas y posteriores a la instalación.
1.4.1 Medidas de protección ESD de descarga electrostática (ESD) pueden dañar el procesador, unidades de disco, tarjetas de expansión y otros componentes. Tenga siempre en cuenta las siguientes precauciones antes de instalar un componente del sistema.
1. No retire un componente de su embalaje protector hasta que esté listo para instalarlo.
2. Use una pulsera antiestática y adjuntarlo a una parte metálica de la unidad del sistema antes de manipular los componentes. Utilizar una correa para la muñeca no está disponible, mantener el contacto con la unidad del sistema durante cualquier procedimiento que requiera protección ESD.
1.4.2 Instrucciones de instalación Pre siempre en cuenta lo siguiente antes de instalar un componente del sistema:
1. Apague la alimentación del sistema y todos los periféricos conectados a la unidad antes de abrirla.
2. Abrir el sistema de acuerdo con las instrucciones del manual de instalación de la vivienda.
3. Siga las precauciones ESD en la sección 1.4.1, antes de manipular los componentes del sistema.
4. Retire las tarjetas de expansión o periféricos que impiden el acceso a los zócalos DIMM o conector de la CPU.
5. Consulte las siguientes secciones para obtener instrucciones específicas sobre el componente que desea instalar.

New verbs : definition

check: a computer program that identifies possible misspellings in a block of text by comparing the text with a database of accepted spellings called also spell-check, spelling checker 
Pirate: to use or reproduce (a book, an invention, etc.) without authorization or legal right. Torrent: To download in a torrent.
The chat: ( coming out of the English equivalent a talk in Spanish ), also known ciberxerrada How designates a written notification instantly using the UN as software through the Internet between two, three or characters as sea publicly 1:00 Called through public chats or private , in which connect two or more characters.
A switch: is something that changes the flow of an electrical circuit. The most common kind of switch is something (for example a railroad switch) which can be taken off of one course and put onto another
Leech: Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Zip:ZIP codes are a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) since 1963. The term ZIP, an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan.
Block: In computing (specifically data transmission and data storage), a block, sometimes called a physical record, is a sequence of bytes or bits, usually containing some whole number of records, having a maximum length, a block size.

Hashtag: Post a text with hashtag: hashtag is a type of label or metadata tag used on social network and microblogging services which makes it easier for users to find messages with a specific theme or content.

Actions cloud

Mosaico de Palabras

Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Shawn Fanning
Jimmy Wales
Chad Hurley & Steve Chen
Niklas Zennström & Janus Friis
Bill Gates
Steve Jobs
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Kim Dotcom

dilluns, 7 de març del 2016

Data Storing concepts

Access memory
User interface
Backing store
RPM-Recolutions (per minute)
Sealed- segellat
Floppy disk
Zip disk
Back up-copia de seguretat
Memory stick
Overwrite-sebreescrivre (serial access)
Robust portable
Serial access
Plug casing
Fire wire
Card Reader
Memory card
Wipe out-el.minar. acabar amb.