dilluns, 11 de gener del 2016

Vocabulary Computer Software

                                                              Vocabulary Computer Software

activities Students will learn the difference between open source and proprietary software, how software is made, and what steps they can make to improve it. Activitat
programmer: The software company needed to hire three new programmers to help debug their flagship application. Programa.

Execute: to start a program on a computer. Executar.
Feature: The man upgraded his copy of Word because of a new feature that allowed him to spell-check documents in Spanish.

an error in a computer program. fall

a computer failure due to faulty hardware or a serious software bug. Fallada

Terminate: To cause a process or task to stop executing.

End user: a person who uses a product or service on a computer.

an incorrect action attributable to poor judgment, ignorance, or inattention. 

Abort: to end a program or a process before its completion. avortar.
Compatiblo: capable of being used without modification. Compatible.

Closed source: software in which the license stipulates that the user cannot see, edit, or manipulate the source code of a software program. 

Propietari: privately developed and owned technology.

Open source: a program in which the code is distributed allowing programmers to alter and change the original software as much as they like.

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